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Dive into Knowledge Mobilization
Where to start? The Knowledge Mobilization Initative furthers ASU's mission to conduct purposeful, use-forward and impactful research. Listed below are some resources for diving into knowledge mobilization in theory and practice, both on the web and here at ASU.
Knowledge Nudge
Center for Healthcare Innovation (via Medium)
Focusing on knowledge translation from a healthcare perspective, the Knowledge Nudge publishes bi-weekly on KM-adjaent topics, such as choosing a theory, model or framework for your KM activities, an introduction to infographics for researchers and incorporating arts-based methods into KM.
Three knowledge mobilization strategies
Colin Anderson, Coventry University (via Resilience)
A blog post reflecting on three strategies to effectively engage in knowledge mobilization from an agroecological researcher. The ideas in this post are further fleshed out in a 2015 Action Research article titled "Transformative research as knowledge mobilization."
Institute for Knowledge Mobilization
A non-profit community of practitioners based in Canada, the Institute for Knowledge Mobilization offers a number of resources for those new to knowledge mobilization, including bloggers, workshops and the Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum.