ASU Campus

Explore Graduate College at ASU

Promoting student success through valuable relationships, rigorous standards and inspired experiences

Degree options Graduate admissions



Designated authority

The Graduate College is the designated authority on policies, curricula quality and best practices. We are here to help drive your progress and ensure your success.

A valuable resource

Rely on our specialized team for answers, resources and support, from professional and career development opportunities to financial support and connections to mentors.

An enriched experience

For over 80 years, we’ve elevated graduate education from a solely academic endeavor to a life-changing, enriching experience for more than 150,000 students and we’re committed to your success.

Accelerated Master's Program

Earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in less time Learn more about Accelerated Master's options

Programs that empower


Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows

Earn an affordable or nearly free master’s degree in one of several programs as a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV).

International accelerated programs

Complete a degree from you home university while earning a master's degree from ASU at an accelerated pace.

Western regional graduate program

Reduce your non-resident graduate tuition by proving two years of residency in a qualified state while enrolled in an approved ASU program.

Become a dual enrollment instructor in Maricopa high schools

Become a dual enrollment instructor in Maricopa high schools.

Make an Impact


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Graduate programs

More than 400 degree options

Graduate admissions

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