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Knowledge Mobilization Resources for Researchers
ASU holds at its core a consideration of broader social impacts, community collaborations and the application of use-forward research; Knowledge Mobilization represents one way to frame research collaborations outside of the academy and communicating academic research for a broad audience. Below is a selection of resources for students and researchers considering engaging in public scholarship or with a public audience, from considerations of researcher positionality to identifying a public audience and tips for navigating the public sphere online.
Ten questions every academic should ask before writing for the public
Chronicle of Higher Education
From the Chronicle, an editorial with helpful points for every to consider before engaging the public. This is the introductory article for a series entitled "The Public Writing Life," which offers several other helpful essays about approaches for academics interested in engaging a broad audience.
To impact management practice, change research practice
Network for Business Sustainability
Important tips for researchers to frame useful, practical advice for business and community partners and get more involved throughout the research process.
How to cope with a fear of public writing
Chronicle of Higher Education
With an increased emphasis for scholars to focus their wriitng towards a general audience, Irina Dumitrescu offers some advice for approaching public writing.
The line between researcher and activitist
Chronicle of Higher Education
An interview with Angelina Godoy of the University of Washington's Center for Human Rights on the line between research and activism.
Public scholar, beware
Chronicle of Higher Education
An opinion piece by Helene Meyers with tips for researchers entering the public sphere and engaging with public audiences.