Resources for Faculty and Staff
Graduate Faculty FAQ
Q: How to apply to Graduate Faculty
If you are tenured/tenure track faculty and would like to join Graduate Faculty in your home PhD program, please complete the Application for PhD Graduate Faculty. Once completed, your application will be sent to your graduate PhD director for their approval and then reviewed by the Graduate College. If you are in a different department or college than the PhD program of interest, please list the graduate PhD director for that program, where it says “Head of the Academic Unit or Authorized Signer” on the application.
Q: How to add faculty to your PhD program
All additions to the graduate faculty for your program should be done by completing the Application for PhD Graduate Faculty. If you are the graduate PhD director for the program or a designated representative, you may submit this application on behalf of the faculty requesting approval.
Q: Do units and departments lose any control of their PhD programs?
No. Units retain the current level of decision making over admission, teaching assignments, curriculum, etc. Inclusion in Graduate Faculty is not required, but highly beneficial to faculty and students.
Q: Who can be on PhD committees?
An individual must be an ASU tenure/tenure track faculty member to be part of Graduate Faculty for PhD programs. Individuals who hold appropriate related ASU appointments (e.g., research professors) or affiliations (e.g., Mayo, TGen, BNI, Banner), and have the appropriate scholarship and mentoring credentials may also apply to be members of the Graduate Faculty.
For other questions, see the Graduate Faculty Guidelines or contact Lisa Anderson, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the Graduate College.
To search for Graduate Faculty members, see the Graduate Faculty Finder Tool.