ASU Graduate College Data and IT: How to slay data monsters

How do you slay data monsters in higher education? That was the theme of the fourth annual ASU Data Conference hosted by the ASU University Technology Office (UTO). The conference offered an excellent opportunity for the Graduate College’s Data and IT team to share how they’ve tackled the unique beast of supporting graduate education with robust technologies, data dashboards, and reporting with the ASU community. 

Team members Ferenc Feher, Hongxia Fu, Brock Kieser, Sean Sederstrom and Steven Yena delivered three presentations featuring the Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS), new features and enhancements to the Accelerated Degree Programs (4+1) process, and the analysis of the Council of Graduate Schools alumni survey data for the Council on Graduate Schools PhD Career Pathways project. Each of these data monsters has pushed the Graduate College to develop innovative solutions for big data challenges at ASU. As graduate education at ASU continues to evolve, the Graduate College Data and IT team stands ready to conquer any data monsters that stand in the way of student success.

All three Graduate College Data and IT Team conference sessions were recorded and can be found below: