Fellowship Opportunity Available for Latin/o/x Doctoral Students
The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), Inc. is now accepting applications for the AAHHE Graduate Student Fellows Program (GSFP). https://www.aahhe.org/Programs/GradStudent.aspx
The primary goal of the GSFP is to prepare Latin/o/x doctoral students for successful careers in academia. The program also provides support to Latin/o/x scholars interested in pursuing careers within administration and policy in postsecondary education.
The GSFP will virtually extend from December 2020 to May 2021. Those accepted will be invited to attend the 2021 AAHHE National Virtual Conference in March 2021.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a Hispanic and/or Latin/o/x enrolled in a doctoral program;
- Aspire to enter the college/university professoriate and/or administration;
- Exhibit a track record of service to the Hispanic and/or Latina/o/x community;
- Demonstrate academic potential through past experiences and future career goals;
- Be willing to actively participate in and commit to attend every GSFP event.
Application Material:
- Application form
- Statement of interest
- Research topic
- Curriculum vita
- One letter of support from an advisor, supervisor, or faculty member.
Applications for the GSFP are due October 16, 2020 by 5 p.m. PST.
For further information contact aahhe.gsfp@gmail.com.