Finish the year strong by using ASU health and wellness programs

Alfredo J. Artiles, dean of the ASU Graduate CollegeWith just four weeks until finals, it’s that time in the semester when you may start feeling overwhelmed. Due dates for big projects are looming and exams are just around the corner. For some of you, it may be time to begin your job search. It’s also the point in the semester when you should be taking care of yourself the most, so that you can finish strong in your fall classes.

ASU offers many services to maintain your health and wellness, both in-person and online. Because of the unique pressures of graduate school, it’s especially important for grad students to take advantage of these programs.

If you need emotional support, ASU Counseling Services is always an option. But if time during the day is a struggle, TAO Connect may be a good alternative for you. TAO connect is a free, self-help app for emotional health. It’s a tool for managing stress and relationships.  Just remember to sign in with your ASU email.

Also, Sun Devil Fitness is accessible on every ASU campus. If you want that extra push, personal trainers are available to instruct you and help you reach your health goals. Along with individual fitness, there is a consistent schedule of group wellness classes with everything from yoga to HIIT workouts.  

Most importantly this month, I challenge you to focus on mindfulness. Mindfulness is one of the most constructive ways to manage stress, especially stress from research and coursework. Stress affects every aspect of your functioning, from physical wellbeing to decision-making. By being mindful, or fully present in the moment, you can act with more intention, innovation and compassion. 

I invite you to explore more about mindfulness at ASU’s Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience, which has many tips on how to be mindful and resources to help you practice mindfulness.

Best wishes on your wellbeing,

Alfredo J. Artiles,
