Funding Opportunities and Awards available for graduate students
The department of psychology is offering two funding opportunities for graduate students. You do not have to be in a psychology program to be eligible!
The Martha E. Bernal Memorial Scholarship Award Endowment
The Bernal Award is named in honor of Martha E. Bernal, the first Latina to receive a PhD in psychology in the United States. This fund was created to support the continuation of her innovative work on ethnic identity development and her advocacy in preparing psychologists to serve ethnic minority populations.The award is intended to recognize the efforts of a Ph.D. student who is doing similar work.
You do not have to be enrolled in the Department of Psychology to be eligible for this award. Rather, any doctoral student affiliated with the Department of Psychology, the Hispanic Research Center, the School of Transborder Studies, the School of Social and Family Dynamics, Linguistics, or any other social science discipline relevant to minority mental health issues (broadly defined) is encouraged to apply.
The award amount is approximately $850. The award recipient will also be honored at the annual end-of-the-year Psychology Department celebration and at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Hearts & Scholars Scholarship Dinner. Read the award application form for more information.
Dr. Elizabeth Capaldi Phillips Memorial Award for Graduate Research in the Psychology of Eating
This award was established to recognize and encourage the efforts of ASU graduate students researching the psychology of eating, which was Dr. Capaldi Phillip’s research focus and passion. You do not need to be enrolled in the Department of Psychology to be eligible for this award. Any graduate student with research contributions and future plans relevant to the psychology of eating may apply.
The award recipient will receive approximately $5000 in funding and will be honored at the annual end-of-the-year Psychology Department celebration and at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Hearts & Scholars Scholarship Dinner. To apply and learn more, review this application form.