Policy change: Use Zoom for all spring thesis and dissertation defenses
We are currently in peak season for students defending theses and dissertations. As you know, graduate policy dictates that:
- The student and at least 50% of the supervisory committee, including the committee chair, must be physically present.
- The defense must be held on an ASU campus or one of our remote locations.
In light of the recent decision to extend remote instruction through the end of the Spring semester, we are requiring the use of Zoom for all spring thesis and dissertation defenses. Students may now schedule their defense through the iPOS defense scheduler tool, and indicate that the defense will be held virtually. The defense will be advertised on the Graduate College website and open to a virtual audience.
For students with a defense already scheduled in the next 2 weeks: Please email Graduate College grad-gps@asu.edu immediately if the defense will be held via Zoom. Please include the following information necessary to advertise the defense:
- Student name
- Student ID#
- Defense date/time
- Zoom link (ensure link address is working properly)
- CC committee chair and student
For students that have not yet scheduled their defense, beginning on Monday, March 16th, the defense scheduler tool within the iPOS will allow students to select a Zoom option in place of a building location.
A complete list of upcoming defenses can be found here:https://graduateapps.asu.edu/defensecal
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Brian Mattson Executive Director.
Alfredo J. Artiles
Dean, Graduate College