
Welcome new postdocs!

Register for New Postdoc Orientation.

Greetings and welcome to ASU from the Postdoctoral Affairs Office. We are excited that you are here. We want to take a minute to introduce you to the Office and let you know what we have in store for you over the next year or two.

If you haven’t heard, you have come to a great place. ASU has been ranked as the #1 most innovative university by U.S. News and World Report for the last four years in a row. ASU conducts more than $630 Million in research on an annual basis and is a Top 20 university for awarded patents. More than 120 startup companies have spun out of ASU based on research done here. And with more than 300 days of sunshine per year, Arizona is a great place to live, work and play.

The Postdoctoral Affairs Office is here to help you have a great experience while you are here. Many of you have just completed your PhD and are now facing the question, “What do I want to do when I grow up?” We are here to help you figure that out.

The office provides numerous professional development activities for postdocs at ASU. We have Lunch & Learn events focused on skills and tools for finding academic, industry and government jobs. We have access to outstanding entrepreneurial training through the ASU Venture Devils program. Our Postdoc Career Conference in the spring is a great way to launch your job search after you’ve had a few months to get your feet under you and settle into work and life.

You will receive weekly emails from the Postdoc Office, informing you about activities and opportunities that you should pay attention to. In addition, this newsletter will find its way to your inbox on a quarterly basis, as a way to inform and celebrate your accomplishments. We also have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn groups for you to join and stay up-to-date with the latest news and activities.

Finally, we want to help you feel like you are part of ASU's community. We host monthly Coffee Breaks and Happy Hours, and we have a number of other social activities planned, which we are hosting in collaboration with the newly formed Postdoc and Early Career Scientists Network. The Postdoc Network helps organize events and serves as a great opportunity to volunteer and help stay connected with what’s going on.

Register for postdoc community events.


So how do you get involved?

The first step is to join us for New Postdoc Orientation on Thursday, August 29 at 3 p.m. in the Memorial Union on Tempe Campus, in Room 228. This is an opportunity to meet other new postdocs and learn about the Postdoc Office. Following the New Postdoc Orientation, we’ll have our monthly Happy Hour at Mello Mushroom on Mill Ave, starting at 5 p.m.

Register for New Postdoc Orientation.

We look forward to meeting you there!