Apply now for a $100 Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant!
Was your research, coursework or program impacted by COVID-19? Did you design an innovative way to carry on with your research or studies? Apply now for a Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant!
The Graduate College’s Knowledge Mobilization Initiative announced the launch of the Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants. The grants are an effort to highlight the work of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at ASU and to tell their research stories.
Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants
Periodically, the Knowledge Mobilization Initiative will put out calls for graduate student and postdoctoral fellow stories and perspectives around a particular theme. This round of KM Spotlight Grants, we're looking for student/postdoctoral experiences and innovations related to Covid-19. The application deadline is October 30, 2020. Each student or postdoc story will be featured on the Graduate Insider, the Graduate College’s signature blog, beginning in October.
Five Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants of $100 will be awarded to graduate students or postdoctoral fellows with the most innovative solutions to challenges presented by the spread of COVID-19. The winners will be announced on November 16, 2020.
What is Knowledge Mobilization?
The Knowledge Mobilization Initiative explores concepts, skills and practices that move research from the page and into action, enriching current practice, policy and social discourse in the process. One goal for the KM Initiative is to highlight graduate student and postdoctoral research at ASU--particularly how our student and early career scholars are applying and disseminating their research to broad audiences, which increased social impact.
Am I eligible?
If your research, coursework or program was impacted by Covid-19, did you design an innovative way to carry on with your research and/or studies? If so, you should apply for a Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant. Graduate students enrolled full- or part-time at ASU and ASU postdoctoral scholars are eligible to apply for a KM Spotlight grant.
The application deadline is October 30, 2020. It is strongly recommended that you apply early.
Five KM Spotlight Grant winners will be announced on November 16, 2020.
Don’t wait! Apply for the Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant today!
For more information, contact: knowledge.mobilization@asu.edu