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Knowledge Mobilization
In today's knowledge-driven world, it is critical that scholars make their work impactful, usable and accessible beyond traditional disciplines and audiences. Knowledge Mobilization explores concepts, skills and practices that move research from the page and into action, enriching current practice, policy and social discourse in the process.
What is Knowledge Mobilization?
In its broadest form, knowledge mobilization refers to moving academic research and data beyond the university and using it. There are a constellation of terms that encapsulate this idea. In medicine and public health, knowledge translation can describe incorporating clinical data into current practice; in education, knowledge exchange or action research can refer to the collaborations researchers develop with teachers and schools to study within a local context; in STEM fields, science communication and public scholarship can refer to engaging broad audiences with current science in innovative ways. The common kernels here hearken back to ASU's mission and design aspirations: To conduct research that is purposeful and impactful, in collaboration with those who can use it in their daily or professional lives.
The Knowledge Mobilization Initiative
The Graduate College's Knowledge Mobilization Initiative supports graduate student and postdoctoral scholars to make an impact with their research, moving academic knowledge beyond the university and putting it into use--in current practice, informing policy change and collaborating with industry and/or community-based organizations. With a focus on a diverse body of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars across disciplines, the KM Initiative builds skills for novice, intermediate and advanced researchers, hosts collaborative KM workshops and skills-based, modular toolkits, and awards excellence in use-forward and socially impactful research. Explore below to learn more about KM and what the KM Initiative provides.
Dive into Knowledge Mobilization Linking to ASU's mission to conduct purposeful, use-forward and impactful research, the Knowledge Mobilization Initiative at the Graduate College provides resources, trainings and support for graduate student and postdoctoral scholars at ASU to put their studies into practice. Click through to learn more about what knowledge mobilization is and how we support it at ASU. |
Knowledge mobilization and like strategies are core concepts of graduate education at ASU. Beyond the specifics of our fields and capstone projects, theses or dissertations, the Graduate College values engaging diverse audiences and voices outside of the academy. Cick through for resources on knowledge mobilization for graduate educators. |
ASU holds at its core a consideration of broader social impacts, community collaborations and the application of use-forward research; Knowledge Mobilization represents one way to frame research collaborations outside of the academy and communicating academic research for a broad audience. Click through to view resources for students and researchers considering engaging in public scholarship or with a public audience. |
The Graduate College is proud the support the innovation and ingenuity of ASU's graduate student and postdoctoral researchers. Click through to learn more about funding opportunities and awards offered through the Knowledge Mobilization Initiative that recognize the socially impactful, use-forward research spearheaded by graduate student and postdoctoral scholars at ASU. |