Pride and LGBTQ+ graduate student resources
Across the country, the LGBTQ+ community celebrates Pride Month in June. Officially recognized in 1999 by President Bill Clinton to commemorate the valuable contributions made to the nation by the LGBTQ+ community and its members, Pride Month is when we elevate LGBTQ+ voices, celebrate LGBTQ+ culture and support LGBTQ+ rights.
Pride Month history
The Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28th, 1969, are widely recognized as the catalyst for Pride Month and the gay rights movement. Protestors demanded public places where LGBTQ+ people could be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity without fear of arrest or harassment. One year later, Brenda Howard organized Gay Pride Week and the Christopher Street Liberation Day Parade, which became the New York City Pride March and grew into what we know today as Pride Month.
The LGTBQ+ community commemorates Pride Month in many different ways.
For some, it is a time to recognize the modern and historic challenges and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement -- from the Stonewall Riots and violence against transgender people of color to the nationwide recognition of gay marriage -- and to pay tribute to the visibility of those whose advocacy inspired and paved the way for future generations.
For others, it is a month to celebrate and embrace the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community, to show appreciation to its allies, to spread awareness of LGBTQ+ culture, and to revel in the freedoms of individual expression and the liberation of personal acceptance.
It’s also an opportunity to shine a spotlight on LGBTQ+ issues, like anti-LGBTQ+ violence, bullying, suicide and discriminatory practices.
LGBTQ+ student resources at ASU
As a university governed by a charter based on inclusivity and the overall health of our community, ASU provides a number of resources focused on the success and health and well-being of LGBTQ+ graduate students.
- CIRCLES Group Mentoring: The Graduate College’s CIRCLES group mentoring program offers identity-based peer mentorship and group support to graduate students across an array of identities, and includes an active LGBTQ+ group that operates year-round. The HUES LGBTQ+ academic and professional mentoring program will be relaunching in Fall 2021.
- Out@ASU: ASU’s student-facing LGBTQ+ resource directory, and includes links to campus and community resources,
- Rainbow Coalition: ASU’s LGBTQ+ student governing body, the Rainbow Coalition leads ASU Pride and LGBTQ+ heritage programming.
- GRADient: although ASU hosts a number of LGBTQ+ student organizations (accessible through Sun Devil Sync), GRADient hosts programming specifically for LGBTQ+ graduate students.
- ASU LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Association: This group’s mission is advocacy, support, and education around issues of importance to ASU’s LGBTQ+ communities. FSA events and programming are open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students at ASU. Join their Facebook group.
It is ASU’s goal to create and promote an open, safe and supportive environment for students of all gender identities and sexual orientations so all can thrive in an inclusive and affirming academic and campus community..