Funding opportunities
Conditions for GSA Appointments
Stipend and Payment of Stipend
This appointment provides financial support in the form of a stipend for the period identified in the letter. Appointments will be implemented through Arizona State University’s payroll system, and your stipend will be paid out in installments on a bi-weekly basis.
Tuition Award
A Graduate Services Assistant (GSA) is NOT eligible for a tuition award.
Health Insurance
A Graduate Services Assistant is NOT eligible for coverage of ASU health insurance premiums. Please note, if you need health insurance, you may still select that option when registering for classes on myASU; if you decline, you will be without coverage from the university. The University does not cover these premiums and/or premiums for any other insurance plan.
Appointment Start/End Date
If you fail to start your appointment on the designated start date, you will be deemed to have abandoned the appointment, and the appointment will automatically terminate. In that event, you forfeit the stipend, the tuition, award, and any other benefits that would have come to you because of the appointment.
Financial Aid Impact
If you have applied for and/or received financial aid, acceptance of this appointment may decrease your financial aid funding eligibility. Please consult Financial Aid and Scholarship Services if you have questions.
Limited Term Appointment
GSA appointments are, by definition, term appointments and do not create any expectation for continued appointment. Therefore, this appointment automatically expires at the end of the appointment term without further notice of termination.
Appointment Contingent on Funding Availability
GSA appointments are contingent on the availability of funds to support the appointment which may terminate if funding is no longer available.
GSA appointment stipends will be subject to appropriate tax deductions, and it is your responsibility to understand the costs of benefits and tax implications of your appointment. If you have any questions about the tax implications of your appointment, please consult your tax advisor. ASU staff does not provide tax advice.
Fees and Program Tuition
GSA appointments do not cover university mandatory fees, program tuition and/or fees for the academic year or summer sessions; these are your responsibility. For more information of the ASU cost of attendance visit https://students.asu.edu/standard-cost-attendance.
Graduate Assistant (TA/RA) Program
GSA's are encouraged to attend Graduate Assistant Training. This training provides valuable information and resources. Returning teaching and research assistants who are now GSA's should visit their training portal to complete any new ASU training requirements.
The trainings are a combination of ASU required trainings as well as Graduate College trainings. Failure to complete the required trainings could result in the termination of your graduate assistantship.
Required Training
Before undertaking your responsibilities, (e.g., first day of classroom, lab or other student-facing responsibilities), you are required to complete the following training modules:
- Academic Freedom Orientation Lesson
- Arizona Public Service Policy
- ASU – Your Duty to Report
- Community of Care: Welcome Sun Devils
- Community of Care: Coming to Campus
- Community of Care Training for Employees
- Everfi Violence Prevention program
- FERPA Training for Staff (for System Access)
- Fire Safety
- Information Security Awareness Training
- Preventing Harassment and Discrimination (Non-supervisor)
- Research and Academic Integrity
Work Limits
During the term of your appointment, if you are offered and would like to accept another appointment or employment opportunity at Arizona State University, you may must ensure that you will not exceed the allowable FTE as outlined at: https://cfo.asu.edu/aca-faqs-undergraduate-graduate-student-workers.
You may not work more than 50% FTE (20 hours per week) during the Fall and Spring semesters in all positions combined. GSA's may work up to 100% FTE (40 hours per week) during semester breaks and Summer semester appointments. However, GSA's may not average more than 62.5% FTE (25 hours per week) in the ACA calendar year (October through September) as measured by the Affordable Care Act You will be terminated from your appointment if you exceed this limit and will not be eligible for reappointment for 26 weeks.
International students on F-1 or J-1 visas may not exceed 20 hours per week (0.50 FTE) during the fall and spring semesters, while they are concurrently enrolled. Please refer to current policies on the ISSC webpage.
Intellectual Property Policies and Assignment of Intellectual Property
Data, including but not limited to lab notes, results of analyses, research notes, research data reports, and research notebooks, comprise a category of intellectual property covered by The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy 6–908 https://public.azregents.edu/Policy%20Manual/6-908-Intellectual%20Property%20Policy.pdf By signing below and accepting this appointment, you understand and acknowledge that you are assigning and do hereby assign any right, title, and interest you have in any Intellectual Property you develop to Arizona State University.
Unit, Departmental or Program-specific Terms
The unit in which your GSA appointment is assigned or the program in which you are enrolled as a student may have additional requirements or expectations. You should refer to the unit academic handbook for your program for additional policies and information. You should work with your supervisor regarding specific assignments, to understand how you will be supervised, and the performance review process.
Please review the Graduate Assistant Handbook for additional information and an overview of Arizona State University policies and and support services pertinent to graduate services assistants.
Credit Hour Requirement
This appointment is conditioned upon your maintaining enrollment in a minimum of at least one (1) non-audit credit hours each during Fall and Spring semester appointments. Summer appointments do not require enrollment in summer semester if you are registered for the following Fall semester. You are not allowed to hold a summer GSA appointment prior to starting a graduate degree program. Failure to maintain enrollment in the minimum required hours will result in the termination of your appointment.
Academic and GPA Requirements
This appointment is conditioned upon your being and remaining in good academic standing and maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA. Failure to maintain good academic standing or to maintain the required GPA will result in the termination of your appointment.
University Provided Email
As a GSA, you are required to use the e-mail account and address provided by ASU. All communications from the University will come to you via your University provided e-mail address.
Applicable Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Your GSA appointment is subject to all applicable federal and state laws, as well as all rules, regulations, and policies that are set by the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) and Arizona State University. These include, but are not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures and the Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation.
Voluntary Resignation
If you decide to leave your appointment prior to the end of the appointment term, you are required to submit a written letter of resignation to your advisor (or committee chair), the Director of your unit, and to the Graduate College at least one week in advance of the effective date of resignation.
Involuntary Termination of Appointment
This appointment may terminate based on poor performance, unprofessional conduct, or failure to satisfy any term or condition of this appointment.
Financial Impact of Early Termination of Appointment
The early termination of your appointment, whether it results from your resignation or the involuntary termination of the appointment, may result in the forfeiture of the stipend, the tuition award, and any other benefits that would have come to you because of the appointment. In such circumstances, you will be charged for the full tuition and health insurance amounts.
In limited circumstances when the involuntary resignation results from no fault of the student, salary will end as of the date of termination, but the full tuition award for the semester will remain in place.