Funding opportunities
Training and Orientation
Graduate Assistant Training
Graduate Assistant (TA/RA) Training provides valuable information and resources and is required for all new graduate TAs and RAs. Returning teaching and research assistants should visit their training portal to complete any new ASU training requirements.
The trainings are a combination of ASU required trainings as well as Graduate College trainings. Failure to complete the required trainings could result in the termination of your graduate assistantship.
Please plan to attend your unit's orientation and other university orientations that may be required. The specific details should be provided in your appointment letter.
New TAs are also required to attend TA Orientation where they will learn about the various expectations of their new role and resources to get a strong start to the semester.
Before undertaking your responsibilities, you are required to complete online pre-service training. This is a requirement for all new graduate TAs and RAs within the first week of your appointment, ideally prior to their first day in the classroom or lab. These trainings are important for anyone serving in a classroom, lab, or student-facing capacity.
Some trainings will require access to Career Edge which is a platform for job-related training and ongoing professional development opportunities offered by ASU and LinkedIn Learning. Access to Workday Learning is enabled after TA/RA paperwork has completed processing. You should expect to spend between 15 and 30 minutes per training in total.
The following trainings can be completed between signing of the Appointment Letter and processing of TA/RA position in the ASU payroll system:
Title of Training Location of Training Frequency of Training Academic Freedom Orientation Lesson
Community of Care: Welcome Sun Devils
Canvas course
Once and each time it is updated
Graduate Violence Prevention Course Canvas course Once The following trainings should be completed after processing of TA/RA position in the ASU payroll system:
Title of Training
Location of Training
Frequency of Training
Arizona Public Service Policy
Workday Learning
ASU - Your Duty to Report & Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Workday Learning Every 2 years Community of Care Training for Employees
Workday Learning
As needed
FERPA Training for Staff (for System Access)
Workday Learning
Fire Safety
Workday Learning
Inclusive Communities Workday Learning Every 2 years Information Security Awareness Training Workday Learning Annually Research and Academic Integrity
Workday Learning
Seeds of Sustainability Canvas Once