Register for Upcoming Grad15 Webinars
This fall, the Graduate College will continue hosting the Grab15 webinar series to support graduate students’ professional development and guide them through their academic career and beyond.
All sessions are held via Zoom and are open to the ASU community. Attendance is free, but registration is required to receive each session's Zoom link.
Upcoming sessions include:
Tuesday, September 14, 11 a.m. — Critical Reading Strategies
Your success as a graduate student depends on development and mastery of critical reading strategies. Join the Graduate College for a conversation with members of the Graduate Writing Center team to identify strategies for reading quickly that will set you up for success.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/629926
Tuesday, October 5, 11 a.m. — Mindfulness and Stress Management
Join us as members of the ASU Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience share mindfulness-informed tips and strategies for navigating the stressors and challenges of academic life.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/630178
Tuesday, November 9, 11 a.m. — Time Management
With the expectation that graduate students will spend as many as six hours of work outside class for each credit hour of enrollment, time is a critical factor for many graduate students. Join the Graduate College and Michelle Quispe, Health Educator with Sun Devil Wellness, to discuss strategies for managing your time effectively.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/630179
Tuesday, December 7, 11 a.m. — Celebrating the Season
What are the rituals and traditions that you associate with this time of year? How do other cultures celebrate the entry into winter? Join the Graduate College for a discussion with fellow students to share strategies for keeping long observed rituals alive and maybe discover new ones.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/630180
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 11 a.m. — Presentation Skills
There are few career paths, whether academic or professional, in which being able to deliver a clearly thought out, well delivered presentation is not a critical skill. Join the Graduate College to learn some tips and techniques for improving your presentation practice.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/630182
Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 11 a.m. — Mapping your Mentor Network
Your success as a graduate student depends on the strength of the connections and relationships you form during your time here at Arizona State University. Join the Graduate College for a discussion on developing and mapping your own mentoring network.
Registration Link: https://na.eventscloud.com/630183
For recordings, slide decks and summaries of past Grad15 sessions, visit the GradConnect Canvas resource site.