Water is a human rights issue for ASU PhD student Maria Maldonado
Maria Maldonado decided to pursue a career in engineering when she was 17 years old.
In her home country of Guatemala, this was out of the ordinary for a woman. But, from a young age, it was something her father always encouraged.
“My father wanted me and my sister to be more than home makers,” Maldonado said. “He bought us STEM toys, robots and trucks, and encouraged me to study math. He would even join me when I was studying.”
Funding Hot Sheet February 8, 2019: Geospace research awards, teaching an ivy league curriculum at community college, and more
Solar, Heliospheric, and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE)
Proposals should be focused in the investigation of the connection between eruptive events and magnetic phenomena on the Sun and the corresponding solar wind structures in the inner heliosphere.
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Directorate of Geosciences, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, this is a $1,200,000 grant opportunity.

GFSD seeks diverse applicants for fellowship
Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (GFSD) is seeking graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to apply for its fellowship opportunity.
GFSD’s goal is to increase the number of American citizens with graduate degrees in STEM fields. GFSD prides itself on having the most diverse applicant pool of any national STEM fellowship program.
Graduate College Connects GRFP Fellows for 2020-21
This Fall, the Graduate College hosted a “Meet & Greet” via Zoom, in order to help incoming recipients of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) connect with their peers in the currently ‘distanced’ climate. This event was for all of ASU’s GRFP scholars who are “On Tenure” in the 2020-21 academic year. This year’s cohort of “On Tenure” fellows come from 19 different graduate programs at ASU representing 5 of ASU Colleges.