Student Funding Spotlight with Esther Pretti: Enrichment Fellowship

The Graduate College Enrichment Fellowship, formerly the Interdisciplinary Enrichment Fellowship is currently open for nominations of outstanding i

ASU Scholars Celebrated by Phoenix Chapter of the ARCS Foundation

At their October 8 Scholar Dinner, the Phoenix Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS)  Foundation brought together doctoral students from all three of Arizona’s state institutions who received the 2021-2022 ARCS Award as well as the chapter members and donors who sponsor these outstanding scholar researchers.

Student Funding Spotlight: Gastwirth Graduate Fellowship Program

This year, the Graduate College has re-launched the Gaswirth Graduate Student Loan Fellowship Program as an opportunity for doctoral students with an intention to pursue full-time employment for the betterment of sciences and humanities at an institution of higher education, non-profit organization or governmental agency. We are pleased to highlight a Spring 2021 recipient here in this "Student Spotlight".