Using data to inform decision-making
Who you know is important, but what you know is equally crucial. Making informed decisions requires using data effectively; Dean Libby Wentz discusses how embracing the nuances in data could lead to the best outcome!
Best Practice: Graduate College Dashboard Questions
The Graduate College Dashboard is a collection of interactive, visual tools that deliver insights into graduate student enrollment, degree resources and program trends to leadership data.
The questions below are meant to be used as a guide for leaders to analyze program priorities, performance, assets and needs. Ultimately, we hope that use of these data collection will inform admissions, enrollment and retention strategies as well as program development.

ASU Graduate College summer workshop series for ASU staff and faculty
The Graduate College has built a summer workshop series to help ASU staff and faculty take advantage of the resources we provide to enable student success. Whether your graduate program needs to update its handbook to be more equitable, inclusive and student-centered, wants to make the most of Graduate College’s student accounts tools or would like to make better use of student information, the Graduate College Summer Workshop Series has got you covered.