Enrich Your Experience

Enrich your experience

CIRTL certifications available through ASU

All members of the ASU community are welcome to participate in any of the free ASU/CIRTL offerings.

Additionally, ASU graduate students and postdocs wishing to become certified by CIRTL may do so at the following three progressive levels:

Associate > Practitioner > Scholar


Learning Outcomes:
Describe and recognize the value of core CIRTL values: teaching as research, learning communities, and learning through diversity.

Requirements: Complete these steps:

  1. Enroll in the ASU CIRTL Associate Level non-credit course.
  2. Complete eight modules:
  • Module 0 - Welcome
  • Module 1 - Introduction
  • Module 2 - Evidence-based Teaching
  • Module 3 - Learning Community
  • Module 4 - Learning through Diversity
  • Module 5 - Teaching as Research
  • Module 6 - Reflection


Learning Outcomes:
Engage with teaching as research, evidence-based teaching, learning communities, and learning through diversity.

Prerequisite: Completion of Associate Certification

Requirements: Complete ALL of the following:

  1. Enroll in the ASU CIRTL Practitioner non-credit course.
  2. Complete nine modules:
  • Module 0 - Welcome 
  • Module 1 - Review of Teaching-as-Research
  • Module 2 - Research Questions and Context
  • Module 3 - Literature
  • Module 4 - Research Methods
  • Module 5 - Research Protocol
  • Module 6 - Teaching Plan
  • Module 7 - Data Collection 
  • Module 8 - Data Analysis
  • Module 9 - Results and Reflection


Learning Outcomes:
Advance and disseminate knowledge about Teaching as Research, Evidence-Based Teaching, Learning Communities, and Learning through Diversity.

Requirements: Complete CIRTL Scholar Form Here 

Prerequisite(s): Completion of Associate AND Practitioner Certifications

Submit evidence of presentation or publication of published findings from the TAR project to an all-university, regional, national, or international audience.

For questions contact gradinfo@asu.edu