Enrich your experience
Resources and Services
ASU Library
ASU Library is home to eight library facilities across four ASU campuses. The Graduate Scholars Toolkit offers online workshops on topics including copyright, citation management, data visualization and text analysis. The unit of Data Science and Analytics offers support for projects and research assistance between interdisciplinary teams. Logging into your myASU account provides access to the Naxos Music Library and Kanopy, a movie streaming service.
ASU Career and Professional Development Services
Career and Professional Development Services offers unique support and resources in-person and virtually one-on-one career advising, professional development and mentoring, internship and full-time job postings. Career fairs and boutique recruiting events are offered, as well as alumni career resources and mentorship. Virtual Career tools include the Handshake platform and ASU Mentor Network, with community resources, virtual internships and career opportunities for job-seeking scholars.
Writing Center
ASU Writing Centers offer a dynamic, supportive learning environment for graduate students at any stage of the writing process. Through the University Academic Success Programs, the Writing Centers offer workshops and summer graduate writing camps with training and certifications for subject area tutors and academic mentors.
Campus Safety
Arizona State University provides a safe, healthy, and secure environment. Emergency contacts for police, counseling and emergency services are available. Campus resources for faculty and staff are linked, as well as public safety and health services for students and family members. Information is available on dealing with concerning or threatening behaviors.
Dean of Students
Student Advocacy and Assistance (SAA) is the main connection to other university and community resources, including victim advocacy, mental health groups and the Borderlands Produce Rescue, a service offering fresh produce for a nominal fee. Student rights, code of conduct and Title IX issues are addressed through this office.
University Academic Success Programs
The Graduate Academic Support Center offers graduate statistics tutoring and peer guidance on the quantitative analysis portion of research projects. Graduate writing tutoring is available including drop-in waiting rooms and peer writing group assistance. Workshops on publishing, funding and data analysis are offered throughout the year, with a dissertation writing camp offered during the summer.
Off-Campus Housing
Find information about the housing options available off-campus, get connected roommates, find and list subleases, and receive tips and resources for living off-campus. Browse our list of resources and click on the active housing list for the most complete list of off-campus housing near ASU.
Student Organizations
ASU has over 1,000 student-run organizations that are designed to support ASU academics, culture, religion, art, politics, sports, music, science and much more. The Graduate College encourages graduate students to enrich their ASU experience by getting involved and networking with others in the organization(s) of interest. Below is just a sample of the Graduate Student Organizations available*.
American Indian Graduate Student Association (AIGSA)
AIGSA provides peer support and mentorship for American Indian graduate students at ASU. AIGSA is a resource for ideas, discussions and debates regarding the American Indian communities.
Asian-Asian Pacific American Students' Coalition (AAPASC)
Asian/Asian Pacific American Students' Coalition is an umbrella organization under the multicultural student services, which contains 11 current clubs on the Tempe Campus. Its goals are to help maintain a strong Asian American community within ASU by keeping active with the outside community, and holding campus-wide events that display awareness of the Asian Americans at ASU.
Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA)
BGSA is an organization of graduate students at ASU who network in support of academic and social goals of the ASU Black and African community. BGSA promotes advocacy and mentorship.
Coalition of International Students (CIS)
The Coalition of International Students: promotes communication among all international student organizations in order to coordinate and consolidate activities of international students while promoting understanding among the various cultures within the university and community at large.
Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA)
GPSA facilitates interdisciplinary communication among graduate students and represents graduate students at ASU. The Graduate and Professional Student Association functions as the Graduate Student Council within ASU providing information, resources and advocacy.
Graduate Women's Association (GWA)
GWA supports graduate students during all phases of their graduate experience and in navigating the job market and their later careers. By offering a variety of resources and perspectives, we address issues that are particularly relevant for women but are often faced by all graduate students. We foster an ASU community that supports equal academic and professional success for all sexes and genders.
Latino(a) Graduate Student Alliance (LGSA)
LGSA is an interdisciplinary organization of Hispanic/Latino/a graduate students at Arizona State University who have joined together to promote academic achievement of Latino/a students, encourage interaction between Latino/a graduate students, faculty, and the ASU community. LGSA promotes awareness of sociopolitical issues affecting the Hispanic community.
National Association for Graduate and Professional Students (NAGPS)
NAGPS acts as a non-profit clearinghouse for information on graduate and professional student life. NAGPS works to actively promote the interest and welfare of graduate and professional degree-seeking students in public and private universities, as well as in the public and private agencies at local, state, and national levels.
The Rainbow Coalition is hub to the many organizations that support and represent individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and/or ally that impact the ASU community. As a coalition and representative student body, the Rainbow Coalition networks and organizes the available resources for LGBTQIA members of the ASU community across all of our campuses.
*For a complete listing of registered ASU organizations, please begin your search at here. You can also start your own graduate student organization. To begin, please visit Start a New Organization.