Resources for Faculty and Staff
Graduate College Analytics
Data resources for informed decision-making.
Graduate College Dashboard
The Graduate College Dashboard provides a comprehensive look at ASU graduate students using current and historical data to deliver insights into enrollment, degrees, resources and progress trends.
Graduate Student Progress Analytics
The Graduate Student Progress Analytics site gives academic units the ability to track active students by providing more than 20 on-demand reports, as well as the ability to create ad-hoc reports and use Power Query.
Graduate College Internal Analytics
The Graduate College Internal Analytics site provides Graduate College staff access to data through reports that is specific to internal Graduate College needs.
Graduate Student Support Analytics
The Graduate Student Support Analytics site provides academic units the ability to track completion of RA/TA required trainings as well as the ability to view a snapshot of graduate appointments as of that point in time.
Graduate Persistence Dashboard
The Graduate Persistence Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of graduate student success, allowing for informed, data-driven decisions to improve persistence and graduation rates.
Graduate College Analytics FAQ
How to request access, how to log in and troubleshooting information can be found on the Graduate College Analytics FAQ page.