Funding Opportuntities


Recruitment financial offer templates should be used when offering funding to a new, incoming student.  Appointment templates should be used as a follow-up to accepted recruitment offers and for continuing students. 

Any changes to appointment letters or requirements that deviate from the provided templates must receive prior approval from the Graduate College. This includes requirements specific to the appointing unit. Approval from your college-level financial administrator is required before Graduate College review.

Please note:

For the 2024-25 academic year, the minimum stipend for a 50% academic year RA/TA appointment is $12,293 for the Fall 2024 semester and $13,272 for the Spring 2025 semester.

The estimated minimum stipend for the 2025-26 academic year has yet to be announced.

Templates should be updated to include the most up-to-date rates for tuition, health insurance and fees.*


Recruitment for Special Initiatives


Appointment - Summer and Partial Semester

Appointment for Special Initiatives


*Resources for determining current rates