New efforts to include Indigenous, Black and Latinx scholars
Yesterday, October 12, was Indigenous People’s Day. In the 1970s, several U.S. states began to recognize the systemic inequities that resulted from the conquest of the North American continent by recognizing indigenous People’s Day as a counter-celebration of Columbus Day. Arizona State University remains committed to the goal of creating opportunities for all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Grad15: How to take advantage of virtual conferences and events
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we learn and explore professional development opportunities has radically shifted. In this week’s episode of Grad15, the Graduate College’s Amanda Athey, shares essential tips for graduate students attending online conferences for the first time.

Dinner interview etiquette tips for graduate students and postdocs
A common professional-social situation that you might find yourself in as a graduate student or postdoc is meeting with peers, professors, or interview committees over lunch, dinner, or happy hour.

How graduate students can stay productive working from home
While we are all feeling challenged by the uncertainty in response to the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), that challenge can be multiplied if you have to put our research/data collection “on pause”.
Are there ways to stay productive and not sidetracked? Yes!

The importance of mindfulness for graduate students
Mindfulness is so important that ASU created the Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience in 2017. But what exactly is mindfulness and why is it so important?
“The simplest definition of mindfulness is to be present,” said Teri Pipe, Chief Well-Being Officer at ASU. “To be fully present and engaged.”