Dinner interview etiquette tips for graduate students and postdocs
A common professional-social situation that you might find yourself in as a graduate student or postdoc is meeting with peers, professors, or interview committees over lunch, dinner, or happy hour.

ASU graduate students learn how to prepare teaching portfolios in PFx workshop
The second workshop of the Spring 2020 Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars PFx program* offered valuable tips to future faculty as they prepare their teaching portfolios.
The goal of teaching is learning, and your teaching portfolio must demonstrate how you approach teaching, what you want students to learn and what you’ve learned about the art of teaching.

Even introverted graduate students can learn to build professional networks in PFx workshop
Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx), a course designed to help doctoral and MFA students and postdoctoral fellows transition successfully to employment in academic and nonacademic fields, kicked off its 2020 Spring events with the Academic Introvert, No More: Building Authentic Professional Relationships workshop on Friday, February 21, 2020.

Catch these upcoming PFx workshops
Start 2020 with fresh skills and a new outlook on your career! Join PFx, a nationally recognized professional development program, at these upcoming workshops. Visit the PFx webpage to find out more about the PFx program.

Preparing ASU's future scholar-professionals
The Graduate College holds professional development opportunities throughout the academic year. One of the most popular events was the Spring 2019 Professional Etiquette Dinner, co-sponsored by ASU’s Graduate College and Connected Academics.