Don't let negative feedback bring you down!

In this blog, we'll explore some tips for productively handling negative feedback!

Staff Spotlight: Roberto Estrada

In this feature, we invite you to get to know Roberto Estrada, a Coordinator for the Professional Development and Engagement team! He fills us in on this year’s Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards and shares a go-to favorite for delicious vegetarian cuisine in Phoenix!

The power of mentorship in graduate school success

As a graduate student, you should consider developing a vast network of mentors. The good news is that mentors are all around you, not just faculty in your program or classes! Learn how to find the best match!

Building Networked Communities Summer Series gives support staff new tools for student retention and recruitment

Watch the recent Building Networked Communities Summer Series webinars, designed to provide ASU support staff, program chairs and directors with important updates and useful tips!

Scholar recognizes the importance of time and community when building connections

In this Q&A, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee Jamal Brooks-Hawkins, a third-year Gender Studies PhD student specializing in Black, sexual and gender minorities in the African diaspora. In this interview, he discusses spending your time wisely, investing in community and the importance of better public health discourse.

PFx scholar encourages framing Humanities research as a discovery instead of a problem

This month, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee, Isobel-Marie Johnston, an educator specializing in Jewish mikvah immersion. In this interview, she discusses rituals, special cultural practices and reframing research queries as discoveries instead of problems.

Preparing Future Faculty scholar explains how intricate neural processes are key to decision-making

This month, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee, Archana Shashidhar Mysore, a PhD student majoring in biomedical engineering. She is also a graduate research associate in the School of Biological and Health System Engineering.

Humanities scholar explores the intersections of religion, capitalism and tech

This month, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee, Mario Orospe Hernandez, a Ph.D. candidate in Religious Studies. In this interview he talks about why it’s important to pursue your passions and the real-world applications of philosophical studies.

San Diego State provost visits ASU, offers career-building tips to future professoriate

Salvador Hector Ochoa, provost of San Diego State University, visited Arizona State University as the Graduate College Distinguished Lecture keynote speaker.

What’s an individual development plan and why do I need one?

For postdocs who are looking for employment, an IDP can help.

Free membership to the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Network

ASU has joined the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning as a member institution.

Register for upcoming postdoc events

The Graduate College’s Postdoctoral Affairs Office has a variety of upcoming events to help enrich the experiences of postdocs at ASU.

Events vary from in-person to virtual, or oftentimes both. Registration is required for both event formats. 

Grad15 webinar summary: Unpacking impostor syndrome

As we launch into a new academic year and grapple with the return of ‘normal’ campus life, the Graduate College remains committed to helping new graduate students find the resources they need to thrive.

For this fall’s inaugural Grad15 mini-webinar, our Graduate Student Support Resources team focused on a common challenge in academic life — impostor syndrome. 

iPOS makes faculty approval and professional development planning easier

In keeping with the spirit of innovation at ASU, the Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) is an ever-expanding toolbox for graduate students, advising staff, and now, for the first time, faculty.

Making an old process easier and more efficient

Grad15 Presents: Critical Reading Strategies

As graduate students, we know that sometimes it feels like you are reading constantly. We’ve all been there: we’re reading an article or chapter, our minds start to drift, and suddenly we realize we’ve read three paragraphs but can’t recall any of it.

Advance your employment opportunities at ASU’s Postdoctoral Career Conference

The 3rd annual ASU Postdoctoral Career Conference is right around the corner! This professional development event, featuring former ASU postdocs  who have successfully moved on to careers in government, entrepreneurship and industry. The conference will be held on March 25 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Register today

Graduate College talks mentorship in Grad15 and Mentoring Matters sessions

In advance of the 2020-21 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards, the Graduate College hosted two mentoring sessions designed to help new graduate students develop and make the most of their mentoring relationships. 

Register for PFx workshop with PhD Matters' John Paulas

No matter what field you are studying or what career you are pursuing, having a PhD is an impressive achievement. 

Your PhD matters, inside and outside of academia. 

Virtual Graduate Workshop Series returns for Spring 2021 with more academic resources for graduate students

The Graduate Academic Support Center is offering another Graduate Workshop Series for the Spring 2021 academic year. 

The Graduate Workshop Series is a collection of virtual lectures focused on a variety of topics such as writing techniques, research practices, data analysis, and statistical concepts. The workshops are intended to provide graduate students with the high level skills they need to pursue advanced degrees and future employment.  

Register now for Spring Postdoc Lunch and Learns

This spring’s Lunch and Learn lineup is nearly complete.  Postdoc Lunch and Learns are designed to give postdocs the opportunity to learn new skills or concepts to help them to successfully find a job and be more competitive on the job market.  

January kicks off with a Lunch and Learn specifically on project management for researchers. This workshop will introduce a few tools that will help researchers manage projects and personnel in their labs.  

Student Funding Spotlight: ASU Graduate College Travel Award

In response to travel restrictions due to COVID-19, the Graduate College shifted our "Travel Awards" to provide funding for remote/online opportunities for graduate students to continue their professional development in spite of the current pandemic. We continue to be amazed at the resiliency of our scholars to find ways to persevere and succeed in these challenging times. We are pleased to offer a few "Student Spotlights" to share the ways that graduate students are using these awards to enhance their research, studies, and experience at ASU.

ASU doctoral alumni share lessons for coping with access, inclusion and identity issues in the workplace

If you’re a doctoral student preparing for a career after graduation, there are a number of workplace issues graduate school may not have prepared you for, like dealing with microaggressions, bias and/or discrimination or the lack of a supportive community. 

"Lunch & Learn" series helps postdoctoral fellows choose the right career

The Fall "Lunch & Learn" series for ASU postdoctoral fellows kicked off August 20 with “Choosing the Right Academic Career.” 

Professor Brad Allenby shared his experience navigating a difficult career path; from lawyer to corporate environmental engineer, and now, academic researcher while professor Joni Adamson shared her unique perspective as someone working in the humanities.  

Grad15:Why you should enroll in Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program

In this week's Grad15 mini-webinar, Graduate Affairs program manager Shannon Lujan discussed Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx), a career-readiness program for current ASU graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Designed to complement the deep learning offered by students' academic programs, PFx broadens exposure to diverse career opportunities, guiding participants in exploring the value of their graduate degrees within a

Grad15: How to create your digital portfolio

In our most recent Grad15 webinar, Academic Affairs Program Manager Shannon Lujan discussed how to cultivate a digital research presence with a digital portfolio, an important career readiness tool for graduate students. 

Together, we are up to the challenge

The time you spend during graduate school can be some of the most rewarding as well as the most challenging times in your life. It is an opportunity to create lifelong friendships and learn skills that translate into a strong career. It is also a time when you can be challenged the most intellectually, emotionally and often financially. There can be incredible uncertainty about how your hard work and learning will translate into a long term career under the best of circumstances.

Grad15: Introducing the Career Navigators program

In this week's Grad15, Amanda Athey and Zachary Reeves-Blurton introduced the Career Navigators program, the newest professional development initiative for graduate students from the Graduate College.

"A PhD is great training for in-demand skills -- critical thinking, qualitative and quantitative reasoning, creativity, communication," notes Athey, director of the college's Graduate Student Support Resources team.

July Grad15 sessions examine career development and research impact

With the summer quickly winding down, graduate students approaching the completion of their programs are beginning to prepare for their professional future filled with resumes, interviews and jobs.

New Grad15 summer series: Put your future first

This spring, the Graduate College started hosting Grad15, a weekly mini-webinar series via Zoom to provide helpful advice for graduate students. We will continue the series starting June 2. 

While we all could use a little break this summer, we also know you want to be ready for your future. To that end, we’ll be focusing through June and July on professional development, talking about how to best prepare yourself for your career post-degree, and we’ll be joined by some experts who can help. 

Introducing Grad15 webinar series

The Graduate College is hosting weekly webinar series via Zoom, to support graduate students through the unusual challenges posed by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The new Grad15 series is topic-focused to provide helpful advice for graduate students and each 15-minute session includes a question/answer section.

Catch these upcoming PFx workshops

Start 2020 with fresh skills and a new outlook on your career! Join PFx, a nationally recognized professional development program, at these upcoming workshops. Visit the PFx webpage to find out more about the PFx program.