Shaping your future: How graduate students can make an impact in science policy

Science policy is a powerful avenue for graduate students looking to apply their expertise beyond the lab.

A shared journey through music and academia

Riley Braase, a DMA graduate in clarinet performance from Arizona State University and his wife, Mikaela Hannon, who is also completing her DMA in

How to format and submit your thesis or dissertation

A thesis or dissertation is the culmination of your scholarly work in graduate school submitted as a written do

ASU Library Resources for Graduate Students

The ASU Library has a variety of resources with a wealth of information specifically for graduate students. We urge students to take advantage of the library offerings below. 

Academic Support

  • "Library 501: What Grad Students Need to Know about the Library" is an asynchronous module that gives a broad overview of the library.

Register for a summer writing camp for graduate students

Do you want to improve your academic writing and research skills? Register for a Summer Graduate Writing Camp

New Graduate College student progress reports available

The Graduate College continues to develop innovative solutions for supplying important data needs. Recently, the Graduate College IT and Data Team developed a number of new interactive reports for the graduate support staff community.  These reports provide access to enrollment, degrees, student progress, and other resources vital for supplying proactive support services to students.  Some newly built reports include:

Apply for a Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant focused on innovation around issues of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion

Applications are now open for the Graduate College’s new round of Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants. 

The first round of $100 grants were awarded in November to 10 students who developed innovative ways to continue and expand their research despite setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This round, the Knowledge Mobilization Initiative is seeking graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to share their innovations related to recent developments and discussions concerning social justice.    

Register for PFx workshop with PhD Matters' John Paulas

No matter what field you are studying or what career you are pursuing, having a PhD is an impressive achievement. 

Your PhD matters, inside and outside of academia. 

Virtual Graduate Workshop Series returns for Spring 2021 with more academic resources for graduate students

The Graduate Academic Support Center is offering another Graduate Workshop Series for the Spring 2021 academic year. 

The Graduate Workshop Series is a collection of virtual lectures focused on a variety of topics such as writing techniques, research practices, data analysis, and statistical concepts. The workshops are intended to provide graduate students with the high level skills they need to pursue advanced degrees and future employment.  

Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight: Graduate students find innovative ways to continue educating despite COVID-19 related challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education, affecting students, teachers and other faculty members. The cancellation of in-person classes and the introduction of virtual learning has posed many challenges to those working in the field. However, the pandemic has also allowed the opportunity to expand and innovate the ways we educate and learn.

Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight: How the research of 3 graduate students studying mental health evolved to include the effects of COVID-19

There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of people all around the world.

Register now for Spring Postdoc Lunch and Learns

This spring’s Lunch and Learn lineup is nearly complete.  Postdoc Lunch and Learns are designed to give postdocs the opportunity to learn new skills or concepts to help them to successfully find a job and be more competitive on the job market.  

January kicks off with a Lunch and Learn specifically on project management for researchers. This workshop will introduce a few tools that will help researchers manage projects and personnel in their labs.  

Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight: Graduate students focused on language learning innovated to create virtual projects as COVID-19 limited in-person interaction

Language learning is a very inter-personal subject that often requires face-to face attention and instruction. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to these things and has delayed teaching and research in the field of language learning. 

Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight: When travel plans were cancelled due to COVID-19, these graduate students continued their international research from home

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on international travel due to safety concerns, closed borders and travel restrictions. For many, plans to travel internationally had to be put on hold. Those who were already abroad had to abruptly pack up and come home. This has put a particular strain on graduate students and scholars studying international issues that require travel abroad.     

Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight: How three graduate students adapted their research as COVID-19 closed art spaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many art spaces – such as theaters, studios, and galleries – to close due to safety concerns. As a result, many of those working in the field have had to put their projects, performances, and/or research on hold.

ASU Graduate College Distinguished Lecture highlights Dr. Sylvia Hurtado’s work in civic learning

The ASU Graduate College Distinguished Lecture series, now in its second year, featured Dr. Sylvia Hurtado, professor at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Dr. Hurtado addressed the topic of utilizing civic learning to create a diverse democracy and stressed that engaged graduate students are imperative to achieving that diversity.

Become an Applied Innovation Intern through the Graduate Immersion Program

The Office of Applied Innovation is seeking graduate interns for an immersive training program in which students will be able to advance their own project(s) in a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and mission-driven environment.

ASU’s “Think!” campaign continues through October as part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

This October, do your part to ensure online safety and security by participating in ASU’s “Think!” campaign. The university is hosting this campaign as part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber Security Alliance.  

ASU doctoral alumni share lessons for coping with access, inclusion and identity issues in the workplace

If you’re a doctoral student preparing for a career after graduation, there are a number of workplace issues graduate school may not have prepared you for, like dealing with microaggressions, bias and/or discrimination or the lack of a supportive community. 

Fall 2020 Graduate Workshop Series; Dates and info on virtual workshops designed to support grad students

Join the Graduate Academic Support Center for their Fall 2020 Graduate Workshop Series. 

The series includes a range of writing and statistics workshops that are designed to support graduate students as they pursue advanced degrees and future employment. These workshops are offered throughout the fall semster and will be held via Zoom. Students who register for workshops but cannot attend live can receive a copy of the recording to view later. Read all about upcoming workshops and register below! 

UCLA’s Dr. Sylvia Hurtado to deliver 2020 Graduate College Distinguished Lecture: “Civic Learning for a Diverse Democracy”

The Graduate College is pleased to present Dr. Sylvia Hurtado, the featured speaker for this year’s Distinguished Lecture, now taking place in a virtual format. Dr.

New mentoring circles support graduate students

If you’re a graduate student looking to connect and create community around common identities and interests, join a mentoring circle!

The Graduate College is piloting a new group mentoring experience. "Circles" are peer-driven mentoring groups available to students looking for community and support within shared academic and cultural identities.

Mentoring circles supporting the following identity-based communities are launching now: