Human subjects research: When and why to consult the ASU IRB
If you are a student, faculty or staff whose research involves people (referred to as human subjects), you need to get approval first. At Arizona State University, this approval comes from the ASU Institutional Review Board.

Postdoc Profile: Aaron Flores
Dr. Aaron Flores is a Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. Dr. Flores is a human-environmental geographer whose research has examined environental justice, social vulnerability, and health disparities in the context of hazards and disasters.

Researching how to transform urban areas to counteract carbon emissions
Eli Pérez-Ruiz, a graduate student in ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, has travelled across the Sonoran desert to study variations in natural urban landscapes to learn how these variations affect carbon dioxide fluxes-- the carbon gas exchanged between ecosystems and the atmosphere.
His research is complex, so Pérez-Ruiz translates it into terms we understand too well; urbanization and climate change.