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Graduate Insider Blog


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Graduate College launches Mentoring Matters workshop series for graduate students

In September, the Graduate College launched the first in a series of new workshops about graduate student mentorship. Hosted in partnership with the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Mentoring Matters: Knowing Your…

Gastwirth Graduate Student Loan Fellowship Program provides forgivable loans to doctoral students

As the coronavirus continues to take a financial toll on ASU students, the Graduate College is happy to announce the relaunch of the Gastwirth Graduate Student Loan Fellowship Program.       

"The already challenging…

Five questions with Dr. David Shiffman and why sharks are awesome

My wife describes me as “really famous in a tiny part of the world that most people don't care about or know exists.” I'm happy with that level of fame...

Join the National Postdoc Association for free!

Did you know that you can join the National Postdoctoral Association for free? 

Because ASU is a Sustaining Member of the NPA, postdocs, faculty, and staff at ASU are eligible for free Affiliate memberships. As a member you have…

President Crow’s diversity initiative funding 30 postdoctoral fellowships

In response to events surrounding the deaths of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor, ASU President Michael Crow published a 25-point plan to address diversity concerns at the university. One of those points includes a new postdoc fellowship program…

How to apply for faculty jobs workshop resources available

For the second straight year, the ASU Postdoctoral Affairs Office hosted a workshop series focused on how to apply for faculty jobs.

Fall 2020 Graduate Workshop Series; Dates and info on virtual workshops designed to support grad students

Join the Graduate Academic Support Center for their Fall 2020 Graduate Workshop Series. 

The series includes a range of writing and statistics workshops that are designed to support graduate students as they pursue advanced degrees and…

Building a more resilient graduate community

Over the past several months, the Graduate College has conducted listening sessions with graduate students and faculty communities. These sessions allowed us to observe this generation’s resiliency. As deans, we find ourselves in awe of…

Grad15: How to write a diversity statement for your job search

Crafting a Diversity Statement

Many graduate students preparing for career entry understand the importance of a well-crafted teaching philosophy or research statement. In last week’s Grad15 mini-webinar, Graduate Student Support Resources director…

Funding Available: Pandemic Impact, Ford Foundation and Hispanics in Higher Education

The Graduate College is happy to announce several funding and fellowship opportunities available to graduate students in the upcoming months. 

Pandemic Impact Award

This award was created to assist graduate students whose…

Researching how to transform urban areas to counteract carbon emissions

Eli Pérez-Ruiz, a graduate student in ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, has travelled across the Sonoran desert to study variations in natural urban landscapes to learn how these variations affect carbon dioxide fluxes-- the…

UCLA’s Dr. Sylvia Hurtado to deliver 2020 Graduate College Distinguished Lecture: “Civic Learning for a Diverse Democracy”

The Graduate College is pleased to present Dr. Sylvia Hurtado, the featured speaker for this year’s Distinguished Lecture, now taking place in a virtual format. Dr.

New mentoring circles support graduate students

If you’re a graduate student looking to connect and create community around common identities and interests, join a mentoring circle!

The Graduate College is piloting a new group mentoring experience. "Circles" are peer-…

"Lunch & Learn" series helps postdoctoral fellows choose the right career

The Fall "Lunch & Learn" series for ASU postdoctoral fellows kicked off August 20 with “Choosing the Right Academic Career.” 

Professor Brad Allenby shared his experience navigating a difficult career path; from…

Fellowship Opportunity Available for Latin/o/x Doctoral Students

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), Inc. is now accepting applications for the AAHHE Graduate Student Fellows Program (GSFP).

The primary goal of the…

Applications Open Sept. 8 for 2021 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs

In early September, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will begin accepting applications for the 2021 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs.

Virtual success: ASU Graduate College’s new online defense process

In March 2020, as more than 200 graduate students were preparing to finish their degrees by defending their thesis or dissertation, Arizona State University switched to online instruction in response to the growing spread of COVID-19. According…

Graduate College announces Fall 2020 funding opportunities for graduate students

The Graduate College is pleased to announce and fund the Fall 2020 funding oportunities for graduate students listed below.

Funding for Virtual/Remote Development

While ASU travel restrictions remain in place, the…

New Coverdell Fellows bring Peace Corps experience to ASU

Each Fall, Arizona State University welcomes returned Peace Corps volunteers (RPCV) as they continue their service in underserved communities through a partnership with their academic units. Currently, ASU has a total of 18 fellows, including 10…

Grad15: Talking about imposter syndrome

As we prepare for another semester, the Graduate College's Student Support Resources team paired up with the Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience to deliver programming about how graduate students can overcome imposter…

First Graduate Student Town Hall leads to new graduate student FAQs

On Tuesday, July 28, the Graduate College hosted its first-ever Graduate Student Town Hall virtually to address graduate student questions concerning the plan to return to campus this fall.

5 opportunities graduate students can take advantage of as we start a new academic year

The 2020-21 academic year will be like no other. All of us, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, graduate faculty and staff, who together create the Graduate College community are doing our best to navigate returning to school in a…

Grad15: 4 tips to help graduate students find a job during a recession

Large-scale disruptions to economies and industries like the COVID pandemic or the Great Recession can make entering the job market even more daunting for graduate students than usual. To help students prepare for a job search during times of…

Grad15: Knowledge Mobilization helps graduate students put research into action

A central tenet of ASU's charter is to advance research and discovery of public value, assuming a fundamental responsibility for the communities it serves.