Funding opportunities
Arizona State University and CONACYT Doctoral Fellowships for Mexican Students
Please note, new fellows are not currently being accepted under this agreement.
About this Award
Every year, Mexico's Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) publishes a request for applications (RFA)to students planning to apply to, or already enrolled in, PhD programs at ASU. Individuals admitted to ASU PhD programs apply for financial support to CONACYT (headquarters or branches in various Mexican states). RFAs specify how to apply and identify the target disciplines/programs eligible for these fellowships.
Award Details
- ASU academic department/unit provides:
- 25% assistantship which includes a stipend and non-resident tuition support
- Financial support for ASU student health insurance
- CONACYT provides:
- Tuition at Arizona-resident (in-state) rates
- Monthly stipend for living expenses ($1,100/month) paid directly to the student
- Annual stipend for health insurance ($715) paid directly to the student
- Additional fees (program/course fees, standard ASU fees) are the responsibility of the student but may be provided by the ASU academic department/unit.
Terms of Award
- CONACYT and ASU will provide the aforementioned financial support for a maximum of four years.
- For awardees, renewal of CONACYT-ASU support, as specified in this agreement, is contingent upon:
- Full-time enrollment.
- Satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree.
- Maintenance of good academic (minimum GPA = 3.2) and disciplinary status.
- Compliance with all reporting requirements specified by CONACYT, due every semester.
- At the end of the study program, fellows must prove their return to Mexico to contribute to national development, in accordance with the guidelines of the Reglamento de Becas of CONACYT.
ASU Contact
What are the applicant eligibility criteria for the fellowship?
- Be a citizen of Mexico.
- Be admitted to an ASU Ph.D. program. An admission letter is required.
- Pass a language proficiency test (TOEFL paper version= 550; TOEFL IBT=79/80 min; IELTS = 6.5 min).
- Mexican PhD applicants admitted to ASU will apply for funding to CONACYT:
- See required materials for applications at Becas al Extranjero.
- See requirements and selection process (pp. 5-6; 12-14): Requirements and selection.
What disciplines or knowledge areas does the fellowship cover?
- Priority is given to the following areas: (1) health, (2) food sovereignty, (3) socio-ecological systems and sustainability, (4) toxic agents and polluting processes, (5) knowledge and management of basins and socio-natural water cycle, for the common good and socio-environmental justice, (6) structural violence and inequality, (7) mobility and human rights, (8) education for inclusion and peace, (9) historical memory and biocultural wealth of Mexico, (10) energy transition, (11) prevention of risks and disasters, (12) sustainable cities, (13) climate change and air quality, and (14) culturally pertinent, environmentally, sustainable and safe housing.
- Priority areas within the fields of: health, biomedical sciences, agronomic sciences, biotechnology, environmental sciences, biology, chemistry, engineering, management, geography, demography, regional development, sociology, psychology, safety, anthropology, archeology, education, teaching, legal sciences, law, human rights, history, behavioral sciences, a.rchitecture, and urban planning.
Does the fellowship exclusively target Ph.D. students or can other doctoral programs be included (e.g., Ed.D.; J.D.)?
- Only Ph.D. programs are supported by this fellowship program.
Submission Procedures
- The student must apply and be admitted to an ASU doctoral degree program. See ASU-CONACYT timeline.
- The student must apply directly to CONACYT, Becas al Extranjero.
- To expedite the process, applicants can start the CONACYT online application at the same time as preparing and submitting the ASU application. Online CONACYT applications can be saved so that the ASU admission letter can be uploaded later (when available), to complete the CONACYT application.
Other CONACYT Awards for Graduate Students Accepted at ASU
Regional CONACYT awards to study in ASU master and doctoral programs
Priority areas are defined by each state of Mexico.
For further details, see the award RFA for each region: Noroeste, Centro, Occidente, Noreste, Sur oriente and Sureste.
CONACYT-FINBA awards to study master and doctoral programs
Priority areas of the offering are a) environmental sustainability processes related to the management of fine arts, b) engineering and technology processes related to the development of fine arts, and c) fine arts.
See CONACYT-FINBA for more information.
CONACYT-FUNED RFA awards to study master programs at ASU
Among the indicative topics of the call are: 1) structural violence and inequality, 2) democratic construction, 3) mobility and human rights, 4) education for inclusion and peace, 5) historical and biocultural heritage, 6) historical memory and biocultural wealth, 7) economic-administrative, and 8) engineering.
See CONACYT-FUNED for more information.
CONACYT Contacts
Marcela Cruz Caballero, Master's scholarships disbursement
- Email: mcruzca@conacyt.mx
- Telephone in Mexico: 55 5322-7700, ext. 1210
- Telephone in U.S.: 011 52 55 5322-7700, ext. 1210
Leticia Ponce Solís, Bank accounts and cards of CONACYT fellows
- Email: lponces@conacyt.mx
- Telephone in Mexico: 55 5322-7700, ext. 1206
- Telephone in U.S.: 011 52 55 5322-7700, ext. 1206
Javier Alejandro Miranda Cifuentes, Academic monitoring and modifications of scholarships
- Email: seguimientoext@conacyt.mx
Silvia Vázquez Neria, Invoices, bills and payments to the foreign institution
- Email: seguimientoext@conacyt.mx @conacyt.mx
- Telephone in Mexico: 55 5322-7700, ext. 1225
- Telephone in U.S.: 011 52 55 5322-7700, ext. 1225
Rocío Moreno Canales, Monthly financial support, medical insurance, and tuition reimbursement
- Email: rmoreno@conacyt.mx
- Telephone in Mexico: 55 5322-7700, ext. 1219
- Telephone in U.S.: 011 52 55 5322-7700, ext. 1219