Funding opportunities
"Fulbright Foreign Student Program" at ASU
The Fulbright Program is the leading international exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to provide students and professionals with the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research worldwide. For more information about the Fulbright Program for international students, please visit https://foreign.fulbrightonline.org.
The Graduate College helps to administer this fellowship program to awarded international students for their degree study at ASU. ASU students wishing to apply for the U.S. Fulbright program to study/teach abroad should refer to https://onsa.asu.edu/fulbright.
About this Award
Award Details
- Incoming Fulbright Fellows generally have a combination of funding from ASU and the Fulbright Commission in their home country which may include tuition, health insurance and monthly stipends.
- The ASU Graduate College commits to providing an award for the non-resident portion of graduate international tuition for fall and spring terms for eligible students. Summer tuition is not covered under this commitment.
- - Resident tuition, mandatory fees, special fees, program tuition fees, international visa fees, and ASU student health insurance will not be included in our commitment.
- - In the event the students receive an assistantship, the tuition expenses may be covered full or in part by that assistantship.
- The ASU Graduate College works with the Institute of International Education (IIE) or any of the binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations to ensure that the appropriate scholarships, fellowships, and tuition awards are applied to the student or billed to the appropriate commission/foundation.
- ASU’s International Student and Scholar Center assists all incoming Fulbright students and scholars by facilitating support and services for them as they prepare for, arrive, study and conduct research at ASU.
ASU Graduate College: GCFellowships@asu.edu
International Students and Scholars Center - issc@asu.edu
Graduate Admissions for Fulbright Scholars - fulbrightadmissions@asu.edu
Additional Information
Each fellow is personally responsible for individual taxes related to this award. Additional information regarding tax issues related to awards can be found at tax considerations. Specific questions should be directed to a tax advisor or contact the ASU Financial Aid and Scholarship Services.